The Busy Bees
20 children max
Ages 3-4 years old
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-11:30am
This class is for children that need to get acclimated to group settings. The children will learn necessary social skills for kindergarten such as; how to share toys, waiting for a turn, respectful hands with friend, how to sit properly for circle time. The play area will provide them with hands on learning centers that allow them to use their cognitive skills through play. Each child is provided with a portfolio that will track their growth.
The Bumble Bees
20 children max
Ages 4-5
Monday-Thursday 12:00-2:30
This class will concentrate more on intellectual growth. This class focuses on abc's and 123's , writing practice, and fun art projects. The will also be free to explore the play area and centers for the second part of class, practicing their social skills and language development.